If the strike gets out of hand because there will be a
(source: http://www.giovanieuropei.net/articoli/scioperi_trasp.html )
If there is a thread that has characterized the Christmas shopping in all major cities of the country, in addition to crisis trade, is the inconvenience to the local public transport strikes.
A series of service interruptions (stop-and without warning) that has been felt in a particular way in Milan, Rome and Genoa, and that highlights, in all its drama, the aggravation that characterizes some years the living conditions of millions of working men and women.
The malaise is spreading not really about the only category of autoferrotranvieri, but is the same as that expressed in the past (with less success), the hostess and stuart Alitalia, young people in the call center, boys and girls employed in companies linked to the so-called new economy (the orange overalls of workers Altoprofilo Virgil and, above all), drivers (on the occasion of the first Berlusconi government financial), taxi drivers in Milan (when you mentioned the possibility of an increase in licenses) and then: Rai workers, police officers awaiting treatment as prefect, the military, the researchers that only a few months ago threatened to leave the country just to find a job dignity.
short, the social unrest is growing impatience and guilt of which will be increasingly difficult to manage can not fall solely on the economic crisis, because if it did there would be fewer resources for everyone, but the feeling is that for some there are less than for others.
You can not hide, for that matter, though in recent years, labor costs fell more and more, and with it the rigidity of employment contracts, someone has benefited from them by force.
The system of Italian companies (especially large ones) now comes to terms with lower interest rates (lower cost of money), with inflation under control, with a wide range of standard contracts (fixed-term, part time, temporary, leased, on-call), with lower taxes, and a currency, the euro, if that is true that penalizes exports, lowers costs for the purchase of raw materials.
One could continue citing one-off measures such as return of capital from abroad, the tax amnesty and the reform of company law which certainly do not benefit the lower classes.
a closer look, then, what is happening is a clear logic of redistribution of resources towards the top. That is not from the richest to the poorest, but by the poor (whose wages have remained virtually unchanged), to the richest. And this is a result of cuts in social services produced by smaller allocations to regions (health) and local (health), and the non-funding of public schools, the transport sector and modest wage increases of some important tasks related to public service.
Here is where it comes from exasperation. The finding (unfortunately experienced the hard way) that the economic policy of our country should not be in the right direction.
If indeed there is no money, is repeated by many as more and more insistently, then the little that there should be given particularly to those most in need. The resources that we should be spending for social housing (housing crisis), for the modernization of public hospitals for the financing of social policies supported by the municipalities (the disabled, dependents, elderly people living alone), for the formation of young and old who can not return to the world of work, for new social safety nets.
It was decided instead to "support" businesses with the belief that they themselves grow, they would generate more jobs and therefore increased well-being.
The problem, however, is that you are made to deal with two factors determinants: the first is that there is no growth in production, with a domestic market capable of supporting the offer (the greater the uncertainty, the less you buy) and the second is very likely that the Italian companies (especially large ones , namely those that were of most assistance in recent years), instead of investing in Italy, will invest abroad.
So if the strikes out of hand is not the fault of the unions, but who is bringing the middle class to the level of subsistence. While the only fault of the unions is not to be strong enough to ask the right, finishing with just believing what can not be accepted.
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