[Harry Potter] in the most remote of the library
series drabble Severus / Remus - Sirius / Remus and Remus / Tonks Masses in the order they should be read to make sense.
in the most remote of the library. (Remus / Severus, 200 words)
The weight of decisions. (Remus / Severus, 200 words)
Out of the cage. (Remus / Sirius, to write)
It Gives me Gives me strength and patience. (Remus / Sirius, to write)
Palpitation. (Remus / Sirius, 102 words) A restless eye across a weary room (Remus / Sirius, to write)
We Defend to the role we play. (Remus / Severus, to write) The battle is won (Remus / Sirius - Remus / Severus, to write)
There'll be nobody home (Remus, to write) Wait for something better (Remus / Tonks, 110 words)
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