Title: A most beautiful day Fandom: xxxholic Torque: Watanuki / Yuko Prompt:
15 - doll
Rating: Pg13
Summary: | beautiful, like a porcelain doll. Mysterious, as the evening takes its name. | Warnings: | double drabble | Link to table: | HERE | crosspost: |
, | IT100, Italy | fanfic.Doll fate | ||||
Mysterious, as the evening takes its name. | Watanuki does not know when she began to think this way to Yuuko, but he knows exactly what he feels. It is not just physical attraction, because she got to know her slowly, and every day he seems to discover something new about her, the sadness behind her laughter, the seriousness behind his jokes. | Sometimes, rarely, it seems almost to have created a closer bond with her than with anyone else, and thinks that maybe due to the fact that only with him Yuuko (occasionally) shows its true face and becomes human .But now he wants more, wants to know her completely. He wants to approach her and hold her to not let him leave. | is it ever possible?I do not know, and will not know until we try. | But he already knows he will not allow more to be like a doll, by which the inevitable destiny reveals itself takes place. | For once, I will let you decide what to do, without payment or something in return.And make you happy. |
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